business woman holding a growing plant in her hands

Tips For Commercial Indoor Planters That Flourish


6 key things determine success of your commercial indoor planters: sunlight, water, temperature, humidity, plant and type of planter. When properly tended to, interior plants offer an aesthetic appeal but they also help improve employee moral. If your office plants are brown, crisp, bitter and near the brink of death you can say bye-bye to all of these benefits. No need to worry, we’ve got you covered with the top tips for growing indoor commercial planters that wow. 

Finding Just The Right Amount Of Sunlight

Sunlight is very important for indoor plants, without it they are never going to bloom, let alone survive. Different plants require unique amounts of sunlight, but all plants need at least some sunshine. Here are some good ways to identify the best spot in your office to place plants.

What direction do your office windows face?

The direction that interior windows face will help determines where to place plants.   

  • If your windows face south this means your building gets the most possible sunlight, and plants can be placed a good distance from windows and still receive ample light.
  • If your windows face east office light is far less intense and plants will do best if placed closer to windows. 
  • If your windows face west the light conditions are very similar to east-facing windows, meaning plants will do best near windows. Yet, when mid-day sun is at its peak it might be wise to pull down a sheer curtain in order to protect plants from overheating. 
  • If your windows face north your commercial office space receives the least amount of natural light. Plants will do best if placed directly on or near the windowsill.

The Sunlight Test

There is a simple test you can conduct to see exactly what sort of sunlight plants are receiving. At noon, before you run off to lunch, take the time to place a white sheet of paper directly where plants are located. Place your hand, completely spread out, about one foot above the top of the paper. The type of sunlight in this location varies depending on what type of shadow your hand makes.

  • If you see a well-defined shadow that means the area is getting bright light.
  • If the shadow is a little fuzzy but is still obviously in the shape of your hand you are looking at medium light quality.
  • If the shadow is very faint you are looking at low light.

What if you have plants in places with no windows?

It is still possible to grow indoor plants without windows, but you will need to pick low-light plants. These plants still need some sunlight, so they will have to be moved to a brightly lit area for 2 weeks out of every month.

It’s just as important to make sure your plants are not getting too much light. If you sat in the same area as planters would your skin start to become uncomfortably warm? If so, your plant is in danger of overheating.

The Most Comfortable Temperatures For Indoor Planters

In most cases plants are pretty comfortable in the same temperatures as you and I. The average plant prefers temperatures that range between 65 and 75 degrees. Of course, they can still thrive outside of these temperatures, as long as the differences are not too extreme. What you need to be most careful about is keeping planters away from areas likely to experience cold or hot drafts, such as near vents, exterior doors, or radiators. 

The average indoor humidity is around 60%, which is fine for most plants. If you are growing plants that prefer a humid climate you will need to spritz leaves and foliage with a water bottle about once a week. When the cold, dry months of winter arrive it helps to bunch plants together in groups, promoting a natural humid microclimate to develop. 

The Secret To Successfully Watering Planters

Along with sunlight, water is another food source for plants that must be on point in order for plants to flourish. You want to avoid both overwatering and under watering.

Place your finger into the potting mix soil before watering to ensure the soil isn’t already too moist. When the first top layer of soil appears dry you know it’s time to water.

When you do water your plants, pour the water directly on top of the soil until you see the water pouring out the drainage hole at the bottom of the planter. Give the plant a good 30 minutes to soak up any excess water and then remove the drainage ditch and pour out excess water. If you have a self-watering planter you can simply water your plants and let the pot do all of the other work.

We recommend checking on your plants every few days to see if they need water, as opposed to designating a specific day of the week as ‘watering day’. This is because even the smallest changes in weather or other conditions can influence how much water your plant requires at any given time.

Best Indoor Plants

The type plants you select for your commercial interior planters need to be fit for indoor conditions. Some great indoor plant options include:

  • Chinese Evergreen
  • Grape Ivy
  • Fiddleleaf Fig
  • English Ivy
  • Arrowhead Vine
  • Ponytail palm
  • Crown of thorns
  • Weeping fig
  • Columnea
  • Succulents
  • African violet
  • Hibiscus
  • Flowering Maple
  • Oxalis
  • Peace Lily
  • Jasmine
  • Christmas Cactus

There are plenty of other plants that make great indoor options as well. Before making any final selections do your research to make sure a particular plant does well in the conditions your office provides.

The Best Planters For The Job

The planter you house your plant in is just as important as the other factors discussed in this blog. You need a planter that is built to withstand the passing of time, decreasing the need to transplant happy plants into a new home—a process that causes shock to the plant no matter how carefully you transplant. You also need a plant that provides quality drainage and does not pollute soil with toxic chemicals.

TerraCast Planters are guaranteed one of a kind, made from a specially formulated resin that doesn’t break down like traditional planter materials. Plus, they come available in every color, size, style and can even be personalized with your business logo, slogan or anything else.