The Best Plants for Winter.

The Best Plants for Winter

Michael CastorinoBlog

Do you want to spruce up your home garden or business landscaping? Winter flowering plants add a splash of color to the dark winter days and are perfect for beds, borders, and containers. If you are looking for gorgeous plants that will bloom even in the dead of winter, you will be glad to know that there are plenty to choose from. From sunshine yellow aconite to rich purple heather, these beautiful plants are sure to transform any garden during the cold months. Take a look at a few of the best plants to buy for your home or business space.


Pansies are a winter favorite, and they come in so many different colors that there is truly something for everyone. They are an excellent plant for beginning gardeners because they are so simple to grow. Planting in containers, baskets, and window boxes allows you to enjoy color from October to March.


Camellias are a highly sought-after, low-maintenance, and extremely hardy shrub that is ideal for planting in a pot or border. Your winter and spring gardens will glisten with extravagant blooms that bees and butterflies adore. Their evergreen foliage ensures that there is always something interesting to look at in the garden.


Modern primroses, which come in a dazzling array of colors and sizes, provide better flowering, particularly during the winter months. From mid-winter onwards, Primrose husky mixed produces rosettes of flowers, providing a riot of color to brighten winter beds, borders, window boxes, and containers. It is good to harden off your primroses before planting them, and water sparingly until their roots establish. Overwatering containers encourage rot because damp soil and cold weather enhance it.


Mistletoe is one of the most well-known winter plants, but it can also easily slip under the radar. Have you ever considered growing your own mistletoe to hang above the fireplace during the holidays? This could be the year for you to do so! Mistletoe is a parasitic plant that feeds on the nutrients provided by its host. As a result, to grow mistletoe, you must recreate this type of environment. Simply cut a large branch and plant berry seeds within the crevices to accomplish this.


Polyanthus plants are similar to primroses except that the flowers bloom in flowerheads clusters and sturdy stems. Polyanthus is as brightly colored and have long-lasting flowers, making them ideal winter bedding plants for beds, containers, and window boxes. Polyanthus’ most scented mix, which blooms from January to May, is a good choice for a fragrant display this winter. Plant in the sun or semi-shade, and deadhead frequently to promote flowering.


During the winter season, this delightful perennial flower provides a burst of beautiful color. When it is dark and gloomy outside, nothing brings you more joy than a blooming plant. And this one is at the top of our list of plants to try out this winter season. Cyclamen is a low-maintenance plant that provides excellent ground cover and self-seeds to create a carpet of blooms. 


During the holidays, Jasmine sends intricate white flowers that are the perfect complement to seasonal décor. Keep your Jasmine exposed to colorful natural sunlight, followed by chilly night temperatures, and watered only enough to maintain the soil moist to coax the gorgeous white blooms just in time for the holidays.


When you are ready to start holiday decorations for your winter garden, make sure you look into our complete selection of sustainable and long-lasting products. Our durable planters can tolerate even the harshest winter weather. Resin makes a lot of sense, especially if you live in a horse climate, being that it is incredibly durable and should last a lifetime. Contact TerraCast Products today.