Resin vs. Stone
Stone is costly, breaks and is difficult to install. Resin isn’t, see why.
Resin vs. Stone
The Resin we use is a Linear Low Density Polyethylene. Like other types of plastic, it is lightweight, very durable and even recyclable. Our resin products are the more cost-effective and Eco-friendly alternative to traditional materials.
Light Weight
Our products save on shipping costs where non-resin products don’t. A stone or concrete planter weighs 9-10 TIMES as much as a similarly sized product made in resin.
For example, take two planters of the same size, shape and style. One planter is made of stone, weighing around 600 lbs. and the other is made of resin, weighing only 35 lbs. This result gives a difference of about 90% in product weight alone. Stone items also require more packing, padding and boxing to ship it (not to mention a team or crew with heavy machinery to get it on and off the truck).
Another benefit of resin is that it’s non-porous. Resin products were made to be kept outside without taking abuse from weathering. The elements will not damage or corrode the resin. Concrete and stone products are porous. They can be stained from dirt and chemicals and can also keep your plants and other foliage from getting the water needed to grow.
Graffiti Resistant
Because resin is non-porous by nature, it is naturally graffiti resistant. If a traditionally made planter or lamp pole were spray-painted, it would stain and be impossible to remove without replacing the product entirely. If a resin planter, lamppost or other TerraCast® product is spray-painted, using a household cleaning solution and scrub brush will wipe your resin product clean.

Over time, stone and concrete planters will sustain fractures from temperatures expanding and contracting water in the soil (which is why sidewalks are scored every 3 feet). However, unlike stone, resin has a tremendous capacity for pressure changes from altering temperature. Our resin product’s durability is maintained regardless of whether it’s -40 degrees or 140 degrees.
It’s not uncommon to see cracks in the sidewalk where tree roots have grown up from under the concrete. However, where stone and concrete break from tree roots or other abuse, resin has the flexibility to let the roots grow while avoiding permanent damage from anything else.
Our resin is 90% less dense than traditional materials making it indestructible, since it can bend and absorb impact without breaking. Afterward impact or movement, the planter returns to its proper position with no permanent damage.
Our Resin comes in a rainbow of solid colors, along with several blends that mimic the look and feel of concrete, Terracotta clay or natural stone. We have six standard stone blends, and if you don’t see one you like, we can create custom colors for you.
The final output always looks like its predecessor. Most of our customers are pleasantly surprised at how much it does look like the material it mimics.
A real stone, clay or concrete planter is very cumbersome to transport. Once installed, if you wanted to rearrange your stone or clay planters, you’d need a to hire a construction crew with the proper equipment (i.e. crane and/or forklift). We have specially manufactured our product to be lightweight for proper functionality. Furthermore, once they are filled with soil and plants, they’ll be even heavier for a sturdy installation.
If you prefer light and re-arrangeable, you can opt for faux bottoms and Styrofoam filler under the soil of whatever you’re planting.
Unlike stone planters that cannot be broken down for reuse, our resin products are made of up to 90% post-consumer recycled material and can be recycled into other products. Since our products are reusable, they should never go in the trash, and end up in a landfill. It’s a very Eco-friendly, green product.
Resin outweighs stone in all but weight!
Resin • Stone
lightweight • heavy
non-porous • porous
durable • weathers
transportable • difficult to move
affordable • expensive
recyclable • single use
indestructible • cracks
About Us
All of our products are made in America. All offices, warehouses, facilities and factories stand proud on US soil. Originally founded in 1969, we have remained an American owned and operated company.
Our Products
A Terracast® product is designed to beat out the competition in every conceivable way. Our products are customizable, lightweight, weather/graffiti resistant, eco-friendly, and almost indestructible.
Contact Us
When you contact Terracast® you will always be met with a friendly voice. We want to make sure you are well taken care of whether you're a new customer or have been doing business with us for 20 years.