7 Types of Landscape Lighting Your Property Could Benefit From

7 Types of Landscape Lighting Your Property Could Benefit From


Complete landscape lighting should include a variety of fixtures with unique intended purposes, including path lighting, up lighting, shadow lighting, and so forth. We offer every type of landscape lighting you could think of—plus, our fixtures are durable, long lasting, and made right here in the USA! Landscape Lighting Your Property Could Benefit From 1. Path Lighting Some lighting fixtures …

Your Guide to Salt Resistant Outdoor Lighting Fixtures

Your Guide to Salt Resistant Outdoor Lighting Fixtures


Salt resistant outdoor lampposts are life-changing, especially in coastal environments with high salinity levels. Moisture and salinity are incredibly harsh on lampposts and other outdoor furnishings, especially those made of porous materials. Moisture creates enough issues for lampposts, but add salt to the mix and corrosion sets in even faster. Without salt resistant outdoor lampposts, you’ll be replacing lighting poles …

4 Valuable Tips for Separated Bicycle Lane Design Planning

4 Valuable Tips for Separated Bicycle Lane Design Planning


Separated bicycle lane design planning can be an extensive process but rest assured the results are typically worth the efforts. Adding barriers, new street signs, and extended lanes can change the entire look and feel of a street, as well as make it safer for everyone. It can also create more room for retail growth and productivity, while increasing local …

7 Tips for Thriving Winter Container Plants

7 Tips for Thriving Winter Container Plants


The two most important factors for thriving winter container plants are: one, use the right winter-proof planter, and two, plant winter flowering plants. Here’s what you need to know to enjoy thriving winter container plants because baby it’s cold outside! 1. Use the Right Planters Your home is everything to your overall wellbeing and health, and the same can be …

Light Pollution Reduction: 5 Tips to Reduce Light Pollution

Light Pollution Reduction: 5 Tips to Reduce Light Pollution


Light pollution reduction is something our nation has been working on for years, and yet it seems to continually get worse. There are several things you can do to help reduce light pollution, and you might even save some money in the process. 40% of light pollution is created by productive lights that are necessary for a functioning society. 10% …

7 Things to Know Before Installing a Driveway Lamppost

7 Things to Know Before Installing a Driveway Lamppost


Aside from high quality light, what do you expect from a driveway lamppost? Perhaps longevity, durability and style rank on your list of important lamppost qualities. There are a lot of options out there and while some lampposts are made to last a long time, others only claim to withstand the elements. For the most part, lampposts spend their entire …

What to Look For When Buying High Quality Park Site Furnishings

What to Look For When Buying High Quality Park Site Furnishings


Durable, high quality park site furnishings can transform a public space into an ideal representation of your community. The appearance of public parks is so important. After all, according to a study conducted by Keep America Beautiful, 93% of homeowners said they would think twice before purchasing a home in a “dirty” neighborhood. Public parks represent their neighborhoods in many …

7 Tips to Install Energy Efficient Landscape Lighting

7 Tips to Install Energy Efficient Landscape Lighting


Energy efficient landscape lighting for commercial or residential projects offers greater security and aesthetic design, all while saving you money and reducing your overall energy usage. The following tips can help you accomplish the landscape lighting look you’re seeking with added benefits to boot. 1. Invest in Long Lasting Energy Efficient Landscape Lighting Regularly repurchasing rusted or worn-down fixtures is …

5 Surprising Benefits to Adding a Roof Garden

5 Surprising Benefits to Adding a Roof Garden


A roof garden is defined as a collection of greenery planted on top of a man-made structure. More and more urban buildings are installing roof gardens, and for plenty of good reasons. Adding rooftop planters offers countless benefits, including money-saving opportunities, reduced roof maintenance, and added energy efficiency. Benefits of adding a roof garden: Improve aesthetics Add a new amenity …

New York’s Times Square Design: Why Everyone is Talking About its Brilliance

New York’s Times Square Design: Why Everyone is Talking About its Brilliance


Looking to redesign a mixed-use space, such as a public square, why not take inspiration from New York’s Times Square design? After all, it’s one of the most popularly visited spots on the planet and the most recent set of renovations left the square feeling more spacious and magical than ever before. If you haven’t visited Times Square in the …