7 Ways You Can Save Money On Commercial Landscape Lighting

7 Ways You Can Save Money On Commercial Landscape Lighting


You can save a lot of money on commercial landscape lighting costs by analyzing your current system, switching to LED bulbs and investing in our resin-based long lasting lighting fixtures. The average commercial building in the US spends 35% of their total electricity consumption on lighting. 35% is pretty high if you take into consideration all other forms of electricity …

Landscape Architecture Site Analysis: How To Perfect Your Landscape Design

Landscape Architecture Site Analysis: How To Perfect Your Landscape Design


Landscape architecture site analysis offers a detail-orientated way to start any landscape renovation project. The process takes some time but proves a valuable tool in determining elements and conditions that will challenge and facilitate the right design for your landscaping.  Using the right guidelines to inspire design results in landscaping that improves the local environment, as well as the longevity, …

The Best Plants For Coastal Landscaping

The Best Plants For Coastal Landscaping


The plants you select for coastal landscaping must be hardy enough to withstand constant erosion, salt spray, getting doused in sand, high winds and flooding. All of these issues make it more difficult to find the appropriate plants to survive life on the coast. Despite the odds, some plants naturally thrive under these conditions and these same plants naturally grow …

Coastal Landscape Installation Challenges

6 Ways To Overcome Coastal Landscape Installation Challenges


Coastal landscapes face additional pressures from things like high winds, floods, salty air and so forth. In order to overcome coastal landscape challenges, certain precautions must be taken during the installation process. Super storms are bigger than ever before. Recent super storms have caused a shift of attention towards building structures near hazardous coastal environments that can actually withstand these …

Are Concrete Planters Sustainable

Are Concrete Planters Sustainable? Concrete Vs. Resin Planters


Concrete is a sustainable building material but it’s not highly recommended for planters because of its weight, tendency to crack and porous makeup. Our resin-based planters can be made to imitate the industrial look of concrete planters without the same drawbacks. While a concrete home may last many years and weather extremely harsh storms, concrete planters fail to have the …

How To Avoid The Most Common Problems With Commercial Lampposts

How To Avoid The Most Common Problems With Commercial Lampposts


There are three main components to commercial lampposts: The actual post, the lighting fixture, and the light bulb. The post, the fixture and the light bulb can create a multitude of common issues that impact the functionality of your commercial lighting systems. Common Problems With Light Bulbs There are a number of problems that arise from using traditional incandescent bulbs …

Eco Friendly Landscaping Materials & Tips For Landscape Designers

Eco Friendly Landscaping Materials & Tips For Landscape Designers


TerraCast Products is proud to provide eco-friendly planters, lampposts, and a wide variety of site furnishings for commercial and residential projects. We use sustainable manufacturing practices and carefully source all materials, all while creating products built to last over the long haul. Over the years, we have worked with many top-notch landscape designers and architects in order to secure the …

Top Tips To Winterize Your Commercial Landscaping

9 Top Tips To Winterize Your Commercial Landscaping


As winter settles over the United States, it’s that time again to winterize commercial landscaping. Without the proper tactics in place, plants are harmed by windburn, large branches collapse from snow load, and sprinkler systems are completely destroyed by a long freeze. The ability to properly winterize landscaping has a lot to do with the design process and the materials …

Golf Course Site Furnishings

4 Golf Course Site Furnishings That’ll Make Your Course More Desirable


Comfortable seating, adequate lighting fixtures and nice golf club furnishings can all be used to make your golf club more desirable. Golfers have ample options when selecting a golf course to join or play at, in order to make your course the most desirable option it’s all about the details. Of course, the overall uniqueness and difficulty of your course …

8 Common Commercial Landscape Lighting Mistakes You Can Easily Avoid

8 Common Commercial Landscape Lighting Mistakes You Can Easily Avoid


Common commercial landscape lighting mistakes include creating light pollution, using too many of the same fixtures and employing energy-sucking bulbs. Commercial landscape lighting is a must-have to ensure the safety and security of your property, customers and employees. By avoiding the most common landscape lighting mistakes you can get the most out of commercial lighting. Here Are The Most Common …