Innovative Ideas to Improve Landscape Lighting


You can improve landscape lighting by using a variety of lighting techniques with a mix of lighting fixtures. You might be surprised just how much lighting can impact the look and feel of your commercial or residential property. The following tips are sure to set you up for success. 4 Tips to Improve Landscape Lighting #1. Use a variety of …

6 Tips to Make Parking Lots Safer


By making parking lots safer, you create a better environment for patrons and businesses. About 1 in 4 pedestrian-related accidents occur in parking lots. Without the right precautions in place, parking lots can be dangerous and can even elicit criminal activity.  Plus, they can make people feel unsafe which may cause them to avoid the parking lot altogether. A recent …

How Much Do Protected Bike Lanes Help to Prevent Accidents?


Many cities across the US have reported the same findings: protected bike lanes help reduce crashes and protect cyclists, while also improving feelings of safety and wellbeing. In addition, they reduce motor vehicle speeds and increase the number of cyclists who bike on roadways. In fact, protected bike lanes have been found to reduce the risk of injury by an …

Urban Planning vs Urban Design – Breaking Down the Differences


Urban design and urban planning are related but different in fundamental ways.  Urban planning is the act of planning the structures of a city, including its policies, infrastructure, neighborhoods, building codes, and regulations. Urban planning, by definition, is the “planning of city strategies, structures and policies.” The focus is more technical and political, and is on the strategy, structure, and …

Tips to Make Cities More Energy Efficient


Developing more energy efficient cities remains a top priority in the US, as well as around the world. There are many ways cities can promote greener and more energy efficient practices, such as developing energy-efficient targets, tracking and reporting progress, and offering grants, rebates and other financial incentives. In addition, they can host competitions with awards, offer technical training on …

NYC is Creating Safer Intersections for Cyclists, Here’s How


According to, nearly 90% of bike collisions occur at intersections. The Department of Transportation (DOT) is on a mission to change that with unique designs and revised guidelines for developing intersections. One of the most important places to institute these changes is in New York City, where there are over 1,000 miles of bike lanes that traverse through the …

27 Inspirational Pedestrian Plazas in New York City


Over the last decade, New York City has received a lot of attention for their redesigned pedestrian plazas. That’s because they’ve turned once unwalkable and wasted spaces into beautiful stretches of open space where locals can go for a leisurely stroll, gather with friends and simply enjoy the magnificent city. Plus, these spaces are far safer than they were in …

The Most Overlooked Way You Can Improve Bike Lane Safety


Looking for ways to improve bike lane safety? Many cities around the world are searching for better and safer ways to implement bike lanes. Luckily, there are many successful examples you can take inspiration from. Some of the most commonly discussed ways to improve bike lane safety include widening bike paths or adding solid bollards as a protective barrier. Although …

Powder Coating vs. Resin Based – Which is Better & What Sets Them Apart?


Powder coating vs. resin – which one is better for the longevity of a product? To understand what sets these two types of products apart, it’s important to know how they are formed in the first place. All of our aluminum products are powder coated, and we also offer an extensive line of resin-based products. Therefore, we understand there are …