Planters to Enhance Your Wedding Décor

Planters to Enhance Your Wedding Décor


Exquisite fresh cut flowers are often featured in wedding décor, while the beauty potted plants can deliver is overlooked. The truth is the two features can go in hand in hand complementing and supplementing one another to present a fresh, many times unexpected grandeur to your special day. Well-chosen plants in premium planters can bring added loveliness to your wedding …

Improve Your Landscaping – Increase Tenant Occupancy

Improve Your Landscaping – Increase Tenant Occupancy


While improving your rental property’s landscaping may not be a top priority, it should. In fact, enhancing your commercial landscaping can actually increase tenant occupancy in your property – whether your property is an apartment complex or a shopping center.  Rental property, in nearly all its iterations, needs tenants to ensure a profit. Attention to landscape details, from planters to …

Business Landscape Mistakes

Business Landscape Mistakes


Quality eye-catching commercial landscaping can make your business more attractive and welcoming to your customers and clients. On top of that, a landscape that is well-maintained, functional, and beautiful can add value to your property while it speaks volumes about the way you do business. In addition, while landscaping adds charm and value, it can also serve other helpful functions …

The Best Plants for Your Resin Planters

The Best Plants for Your Resin Planters


Plants not only provide beauty and warmth to your commercial spaces but also act as a welcome to clients, customers, and colleagues entering your business. For this reason, commercial planters are popular choices for landscaping exteriors and beautifying interiors. TerraCast planters are made of virtually indestructible resin, making them ideal for high traffic areas as well as spaces exposed to …

Increase Traffic with Storefront Landscaping

Increase Traffic with Storefront Landscaping


As a business owner, your number one goal is to keep customers and clients faithfully coming to your store.  Of course, in the midst of that goal, you have much more to attend to in order to keep your business running smoothly. From operations to staffing, bookkeeping to maintenance, customer service to advertising, there is plenty for you to do, …

How to Choose the Best Planter

How to Choose the Best Planter


When selecting outdoor planters for your commercial property, there are lots of options from which to choose. From planter boxes to vases, outdoor planters are indispensable part of your design and aesthetics. Planters allow you to showcase plants and flowers, whether your brand seeks to communicate understated elegance, pops of panache, or distinctive flair. Outdoor planters bring character and style …

Using Large Commercial Planters to Create Outdoor Dining Spaces


As the country recovers from the stay at home, shelter in place orders of the COVID-19 pandemic, phased re-openings and cluster outbreaks continue to challenge restauranteurs who already face limited capacities inside their restaurants. Adding outdoor dining areas is one proven effective solution, expanding outdoor dining spaces, replacing dine-in spaces, and adhering to state and local social distancing guidelines. Outdoor …

Light up Your Business

Light up Your Business


Picking the right lights for your business is an important task that can impact the productivity of your workers as well as the way in which customers perceive your property and the products and services you offer. They also play a vital role in keeping people safe as they move around, a necessity many people take for granted. Finding the …

Developing a Great Commercial Rooftop

Developing a Great Commercial Rooftop


Creating a functional commercial rooftop that offers everyone, from employees to guests, the chance to relax and enjoy the sunshine is a great idea. Greenery is a good way to boost moods and productivity, and sometimes we all need a quick breath of fresh air to help us refocus and carry on with our day. Commercial rooftops are an ideal …

Tips for Beautiful Business Outdoor Spaces

Tips for Beautiful Business Outdoor Spaces


Business outdoor spaces serve many purposes for employees and guests alike. Spending even just a few moments outside can offer an important respite from the stresses of a busy day, allowing everyone to regroup and approach the rest of their work with a refreshed mind. And with the longer workdays and increased competition facing today’s businesses, any potential boost to …