Sustainable Products For Universities

Sustainable Products For Universities


More universities and colleges, as well as student groups, are working on environmental and sustainability issues. University initiatives range from composting training programs to reducing the usage of plastic and paper to better recycling and reuse alternatives. Apart from the apparent energy savings that eco-friendly universities generate, several innovative universities are incorporating sustainability practices into all aspects of their programs, …

Overcoming The Problem of Graffiti in Urban Areas

Overcoming The Problem of Graffiti in Urban Areas


Despite the various methods to prevent graffiti and vandalism, only a few are consistently effective in deterring unsightly tags and damage to property. Band-Aid solutions such as proper lighting and plant coverage may be slightly effective in deterring vandals.  In most cases, however, retailers and business owners can benefit from increased reinforcement to effectively prevent graffiti and vandalism. It is …

Protected Bike Lanes

Protected Bike Lanes


A bike lane is a designated area for cyclists that is marked with paint and a bike icon. But a protected bike lane is physically divided from motorways by barriers such as delineator posts, concrete barriers, bollards, and more. There are many reasons why cities should have more protected bike lanes: they encourage more people to bike for local trips, …

The Benefits of Resin Light Poles in Corrosive Coastal Environments

The Benefits of Resin Light Poles in Corrosive Coastal Environments


In coastal regions, corrosion is always the worst enemy of outdoor lighting. The proximity of the ocean has always posed a major problem for outdoor lighting. The presence of the chloride ion, one of the most destructive to metals, exposes street lighting on sidewalks, docks, harbors, and other coastal regions to a moist and saline environment with a high corrosion …

How Restaurants Can Grow Food in Planters

How Restaurants Can Grow Food in Planters


Growing food for your restaurant in planters is an effective way to charm your clients with fresh flavors. And the presence of growing fruits, herbs, and veggies will satisfy their curiosity about the source of your food. To your kitchen staff, this is an opportunity to appreciate a constant supply of fresh produce.  Fortunately, growing food in planters is surprisingly …

Health Benefits of Indoor Planters

Health Benefits of Indoor Planters


A quick scroll on Instagram feeds will let you know that the plants are having a moment. From striking interior decor to fascinating outdoor decor, it’s a trend that nobody wants to be left out of. But why are people so obsessed with green indoors?  Well, from a scientific point of view, plants provide more than just aesthetics indoors. They …

How to Bring Nature Indoors

How to Bring Nature Indoors


Ever heard of the term Biophilia? Well, don’t worry. It describes our urge to live within nature or be around it. But how do you respond to this urge in the modern world where the surrounding jungle is concrete buildings? Well, it’s simple, bring nature indoors. While many might find this puzzling, it only takes a few adjustments to achieve …

The Best Trees for Planters

The Best Trees for Planters


With the right choice of trees for your planters, you can immediately choose the right color, blossom, and height. And without wasting time, set it right in your garden deck or patio for a spectacular complement to your space. With that said, here is a list of the best trees for planters:     Conifers Conifers are the best option …

Choosing the Best Planters for Health Care Facilities

Choosing the Best Planters for Health Care Facilities


More and more planters are being added to health care facilities. The increase of planters inside and out is for multiple reasons. One reason, in particular, is the ability of plants and greenery to reduce stress. There are plenty of benefits for health care facilities. When in need of planters, TerraCast has you covered. Whether you are adding more planters …

How to Showcase Your Business During the Winter with Planters

How to Showcase Your Business During the Winter with Planters


The holiday season arrives and leaves rather quickly. However, winter décor does not always need to be put away immediately. As many travelers continue to enjoy vacations beyond the new year, winter décor can be nice to see around. Winter is the perfect time to freshen up looks around a business or try new arrangements. Whether it is hanging special …