Adding Color to Your Business for Summer

Adding Color to Your Business for Summer


The summer months are always bright, warm, and sunny, and therefore, your space should be as well. This summer, decorate every space, whether it be your restaurant, your patio, your living room, or your backyard with a few added pops of color. What are some unique ways to add some much-need color to your space? To answer your question, there are endless possibilities to do so but why not start with a few new planters as well as some plants to go along with them?

Colorful and Modern Planters to Decorate Your Business

While it is important to let some of the plants themselves do the talking, others may need a bit of extra help with a brand-new planter. With that being said, below is a list of our top 5 most popular planters that are sure to bring a bit of color as well as an elevated feel to your business this summer:

1. The Leaf Planter

First and foremost we have our colorful Leaf Planter. This unique design will not only add that pop of color that your space is yearning for but will also grab the attention in a more subtle and supplicated manner.

2. The Tree Relief Planter

Next, we have a personal favorite: the Tree Relief Planter. This elegant design is perfect for any greenery ranging from decorative plants to small trees, depending on the size, of course.

3. The Cabana Pedestal Bowl

Although this elegant planter does come in a variety of colors, the best look for this Cabana Pedestal bowl has to be the classic white option. This planter will let your plants do all of the work when it comes to adding color to your space while providing an elegant home for them.

4. The Roman Round Planter

The Roman Round Planter is a perfect addition to any office space as its subtle and unique design simple complements any piece.

5. The Bamboo Planter

Last but not least we have our bamboo planter. This elegant and simple design is made to let your colorful plants do the talking while adding a beautiful finishing touch.

More ways to elevate your space

Now that we have covered a few of our top-selling planters, what are some other ways to help elevate your space and bring in some much-needed color this summer?

1. Hang up some colorful art
In addition to bringing in some greenery, you may also want to consider hanging up some colorful, eye-catching art. Whether you are in an office, restaurant, cubical, or even retail space, hanging up a few art pieces will always add new life to your space.

2. Add an accent wall
If you decide to add an accent wall, keep in mind that different colors have been proven to affect your mood. Therefore, you may want to consider adding a color that will make you and your employees happy to come into work rather than a bold color that may bring in too many emotions. On top of this, you also don’t want this to be too distracting in your space.

3. Don’t be afraid to play with different lighting
When it comes to setting the mood in your space, lighting is crucial.

4. Don’t overdo it
Have you ever heard the saying “less is more”? Oftentimes this rings true as simplicity truly is the key to elegance. While you can absolutely incorporate all of the tips mentioned above, it is important to keep an eye out for what looks good and what may be screaming “this is too much, please tone it down”.