Winter Plants

8 Blooming Winter Plants


During the spring and summer plants burst open with all sorts of colors, but when winter settles in, gardens are known to grow a bit duller. Many people assume that most flowers do not bloom during the winter months, but this is not true. There are actually vast selections of blooming winter plants you can add to your indoor or outdoor container gardens. Providing you with bursts of color no matter how cold it is outside.

Just because it’s winter doesn’t mean all of your happy pink flowers must fade away with the warmth of the sun, keep the color alive this winter with these great winter plants. Plus, we provide the top tips for keeping your winter plants thriving year after year.


1. Cyclamen

This flower is a Christmas favorite, blooming each winter with vivacious heart-shaped leaves. Cyclamens prefer temperatures that are around or below 65 degrees F, and while some indirect or filtered sunlight is nice, they don’t need the full force of the sun to shine. Hans Gerritsen, president of the Hortus Group, which specializes in growing cyclamen, recommends the Metis miniature hybrids if your home is on the warmer side. There are a variety of different types of cyclamens, some are purple, others red, and some have an unmistakable white blush. (Learn more about growing Cyclamens)


2. Jasmine

add some Jasmine winter plants to your life; the pretty white flowers compliment the holiday season so well. Jasmine prefers bright light during the day and cool temperatures at night. No matter what zone you reside in, if you keep the soil moist and the plant regularly pruned you will see white blooms during the holidays.


3. Streptocarpus

Don’t let its name, which sounds like an illness, fool you. These flowers are gorgeous and brilliant, with purple petals that look like soft velvet. And while they appear delicate as a flower, they are pretty hardy winter plants. They prefer a cool environment with indirect light, and once they begin to flourish they can withstand some neglectful days without keeling over.

If keeping winter plants alive is a constant struggle, perhaps Streptocarpus flowers will be your new best friend, even if they look dead, all it takes is some water to bring these strong beauties back to life. These plants also bloom for a long period of time and are available in a variety of different hybrids.


4. Winter-Flowering Begonias

Only certain types of Begonias will bloom as winter plants, but the ones that do are so very beautiful. With heart shaped leaves, bright pink petals, and pretty yellow centers, this flower can brighten up the darkest winter day. Rhizomatous and winter-flowering begonias start to bloom as the days shorten, while other breeds of the begonias do just the opposite.


5. Hellebores

If you live in an area where deer are an issue, you can rest assured these winter plants does not attract Bambi and his relatives. The hellebores is a low-growing plant that flowers very early, around Christmas time. The flowers can range in color from green to purple and pink, red, and even slate black. Growing multiple different types of Hellebores will give you a variety of color during the coldest months of the year.


6. Sarcococca

With a lovely scent and a variety of species to pick between, the Saracocca is the perfect plant for your garden in the winter. These winter plants can grow to be as tall as 6 feet, and can also start off as small as 8 inches. The foliage produced by this plant is often described as glossy, and includes pretty pops of white flowers throughout. Those that grow sarcococca in their garden recommend planting it near traffic flow, otherwise you miss out on of this winter-blooming plants best qualities: it’s sweet fragrance. (More information on Winter blooms in January)


7. Viola Odorata

Also known as sweet violet and English violet, this pretty purple flower blooms in late winter as well as during early spring. It provides the perfect predecessor to the plants that will bloom throughout the spring and into the summer. The flower petals are small and can be blue, white, or purple, each one full of fragrance. This flower prefers well-drained soil and can survive in a shelter or exposed directly to the sun.


8. Grevillea Victoriae

If you are into funky flowers this winter beauty will have you at first bloom. Each bloom appears a little different, but not all Grevillea flowers flourish in the winter, make sure before purchasing that they will bloom in your climate. The colors are all on the orangey side, ranging from more yellow, pink, or red, but never disappointing.


Winter Plants

Tips For Growing Healthy Winter Plants

Plants that grow well during the winter months still require certain care tactics in order to bloom healthy petals of colors galore. Here are some top tips to keep in mind while creating a winter-blooming garden of your own.

-Most winter-blooming plants prefer filtered sunlight; place your potted plants where they can get the most indirect sunlight as possible to see them really grow.

-Check the soil always before watering your plants in the winter. Avoid over or under watering your planters.

-You do not need to feed your container plants during the winter months.

-If you have your potted plants outside during the winter, it always helps to elevate them slightly off the ground on a platform of some sort. This helps keep the cold from getting to the container as much.

-If you do not have high quality containers your potted plants are at risk because the pot can crack in freezing weather. Pick planters that can stand up to cold conditions. In very cold climates you may need to wrap planters in bubble wrap to help trap in the heat and keep out the chill. ()

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