Landscaping Designs

7 Super Easy Ways To Spruce Up Your Landscape Designs


It doesn’t take much of an investment to enhance the look and value of your landscaping project. You can simply add a few high quality planters or set up a shady spot to relax. Curb appeal matters for residential, corporate, and public locations. The way a property appears on the outside can change the way people react to it, feel about it, and even interact with it. According to real estate statistics, if your home is the only one in your neighborhood without nice landscaping, it will sell for 8-10% less than neighboring homes with well-maintained yards. Businesses also benefit from better landscaping, improving company moral, and even attracting more customers. (Read More)

Luckily, landscape designs don’t have to be a backbreaking process. Here we explain 7 simple ways to greatly enhance the look of your landscaping.

Landscape Designs

1. Add Plants That Bloom All Year Long To Your Landscape Designs

Do your landscape designs look incredible during parts of the year, but look like a bleak carcass of its usual self during other seasons? You can make your landscaping stand out all year long by planting an assortment of plants that bloom in summer, fall, spring, and winter. If you have a good assortment of spring, summer, winter, and fall blooming plants, there will never be a dull moment in your garden.

Beautiful plants that bloom in the spring include:

  • Dogwood
  • Peony
  • Bearded iris
  • Daffodil
  • Azalea

Beautiful plants that bloom in the summer include:

  • Daylily
  • Zinnia
  • Crepe Myrtle
  • Zinnia
  • Impatiens
  • Hydrangea

Beautiful plants that bloom in the fall include:

  • Ginger lily
  • Sasanqua camellia
  • Mum
  • Pansy
  • Sugar maple
  • Beautyberry, holly

Beautiful plants that bloom in the winter include:

  • Colorado blue spruce
  • Lenten rose
  • Winterberry
  • Rosemary
  • Crocus
  • Flowering quince

(Learn More)

In certain regions there are plants that remain beautiful all year long. For example, the aster plant blooms gorgeous purple-blue petals all four seasons. Evergreens are another great option for plants that add rich green color throughout the year. Evergreens are available in an assortment of variations including trees, shrubs, and vines to make a great addition to your landscape designs. (More Information)

2. Add Height With Planters To Your Landscape Designs

Container planters offer something for every type of landscape. From small apartment balconies to sprawling estate yards, planters provide that extra special touch. Planters are incredibly versatile, they can be set out on any ground covering, raised up on a platform, or hung from a planter basket. According to Southern Living, adding planters to your landscaping is one of the best things you can do to improve the look of your property all year long. (a href=””>See More)

If your plants all bloom around the same height, gorgeous accents can go unnoticed. Potted plants and hanging baskets offer a visually appealing solution by adding height to your landscaping. Potted plants come in all shapes and sizes, from tall and wide to small and narrow, and everything in between. Potted plants also offer an aesthetic touch of their own, as they can be custom made to match any garden décor.

3. Dress Up Ordinary Accents With Ornamental Vines For Your Landscape Designs

Ornamental vines will transform a plain fence, garden post, archway or pillar on your home. Vines provide barriers, privacy, and a unique look that continues to grow in intricacy over time. There are different ways that vines use to climb up and around things. Depending on where you plan to place your vines, the type of vine that will best suit your project may vary.

  • Twining Vines use their actual stem to wrap around the supporting base.
  • Tendrils Vines grow vertically beside a structure, using their outgrowing tendrils like little arms, growing out and around a supporting base.
  • Clinging Vines attach to any surface, including flat walls, using sets of adhesive tendrils that help lock the vine in place.


4. Look At Your Landscape Designs Through New Eyes

When you see the same thing over and over important details can blend in and become unnoticed. This is true of your own landscaping projects. In order to see where the best additions can be made, you will want to see your landscaping project through a new set of eyes. So how do you do that? One of the greatest ways to do so is by taking some photos of your landscaping, shooting a variety of unique angles. Before you ever look at these photos, go on your phone or computer and use a free Photoshop app to make the photos black and white. Now, carefully take a look at these transformed photos. Color is a big game changer, it will allow you to see your garden with new eyes and perhaps notice something that needs improvement. (More Information)

5. Plant A Tree In Your Landscape Designs

If your landscape designs don’t have enough trees it might be in trouble! Trees provide shade, beauty, and so much more. Full-grown trees can be very expensive, offering added value to your property. Planting a baby tree can save you money, plus you can enjoy watching the tree grow throughout the years. Fruit trees are an excellent option, as they are small and delicious and don’t take long before they start sprouting fruit.

6. Make Use Of Your Side Yard In Your Landscape Designs

Do you have a side yard, alley, or unused crop of space on your land? Putting your side yard to use can add value and fun to any outdoor space. Since the side yard is not the first thing people see, it can be landscaped more light-heartedly to represent you and your needs. The green revolution has turned some side yards into gardens full of yummy fruits, veggies, and herbs. Are you interested in adding your own edible garden? Potted planters or raised plant beds will improve drainage and help keep wildlife from eating your garden. Check out the Plant Hardiness Zone Map to learn which types of vegetables and fruits grow well in your area.

7. Add Curved Lines To Your Garden Landscape Designs

Landscaping often includes clean straight lines. Take a look at your landscaping, what types of lines border your garden throughout? If no curved lines are present, adding some ‘curve appeal’ can result in a neat landscaping project that remains prominent all year long. Borders are an important element of any landscaping project. You can create borders out of bricks, flowers, stone, or almost any other materials.

At TerraCast Planters we offer a wide variety of high quality planters to help enhance the look of your landscaping.