10 Tips For Greener Landscaping


Greener landscapingSometimes the most brilliant looking landscapes are far from green, and are in fact damaging to the environment. Harmful pesticides, excessive water usage, and gas-powered tools can all turn a beautiful garden into a pollution maker. Thankfully, you can create a beautiful garden that doesn’t contribute to the destruction of our natural world.

In order to keep your landscaping beautiful all year long there are a number of techniques you can use, all of which are friendly for the environment. Here are tips for a greener landscape, in more ways than one.

1. Use Natural Weed Control Sprays

Harsh sprays laden with toxic chemicals will quickly kill off the weeds in your garden, but these sprays can also damage the environment, harm local wildlife, damage your planters, and even make you sick. Many toxic weed killers contain a chemical called glyphosate, a toxic ingredient you want to avoid. Foliar sprays are easy to use, kill most weeds, and don’t interfere with the natural soil biology. Nontoxic herbicides containing vinegar, citric acid, clove oil, and lecithin are just as effective as their toxic competition without presenting environmental and health drawbacks.

2. Seek Alternatives To Gas-Powered Tools

A green landscape doesn’t just mean keeping your plants bright and healthy, it also means releasing less pollution in the process. Gas-powered tools like lawn mowers and leaf blowers can be useful, but it’s important to consider the damage they do to the environment. It’s always worth considering emission-free substitutes that produce a less harsh impact to the environment.

3. Pick Plants That Require Less Water

We are suffering from a serious water shortage, yet we continue to waste so much water. Planting foliage that requires less water is hugely beneficial, both for your budget and the environment. Drought resistant plants are easier to keep green and remain pretty throughout the year, even when it’s very warm and dry outside. Native plants require less water because they naturally grow in your area without access water, they will also last longer without more effort on your part.

Other ways to decrease your landscaping water use includes:

  • Installing an automatic and adjustable sprinkler system to avoid overwatering.
  • Adding an evapotranspiration controller.
  • Playing around with your current water habits to see if you could reduce watering some and still maintain bright and brilliant curb appeal.
  • Plants in raised garden beds require less water.
  • Self-watering planters (see here) reduce water waste without any effort on your part.

4. Transplant Existing Trees And Plants Into New Landscape Design

If you are thinking about doing a big overhaul on your landscape, one of the best things you can do is reuse old plants and trees that are already thriving. This saves money and resources because you don’t have to buy or transport as many new plants for your latest renovation.

Trees and plants can be moved from one location to another without issue using careful transplanting methods. This is a huge benefit to planters, which make it much easier to swap around different plants for seasonal reasons or for a permanent change. There are likely new plants and flowers you are eyeing and want to incorporate, but by keeping some things the same you can guarantee a greener, more cost-effective project.

5. Properly Prepare Soil

Before ever planting greenery, you want to be sure that the soil is properly prepared. A soil test can determine if it needs any additives to be effective. Plants placed in good soil full of rich, organic materials always thrive better and don’t require as much water, pesticides, or added nutrients.

Plants living in the proper soil will grow better and more beautifully for a longer period of time. This means you don’t have to replace your plants as often, just another reason good soil is key to greener landscaping. Overall, by preparing and testing soil prior to planting you will save money, maintenance, and also help save the planet.

6. Plant Trees For Shade

Instead of relying strictly on the AC during warm summer days, try planting trees in key areas to shade windows on your residential or commercial location. When the bushy limbs of a tree block the sun, less heat can enter a building and indoor temperatures are considerably reduced. As a result, the need for the environmentally damaging air conditioner goes down, all thanks to your green garden.

7. Plant a Veggie or Fruit Garden

By adding a flavorful kick to your landscaping you add natural beauty and save money in groceries. A veggie garden will utilize a lot less water than an expanse of otherwise useless grass, so break up some of the water hogging lawn for a green thumb vegetable garden.

8. Install Rain Barrels

Installing rain barrels to your gutters allows you to save water that you can later use for your garden, thus reducing your water bill and the amount of water you take from the faucet. Interestingly, rainwater contains more nitrogen than faucet water, which makes it more nutritious for plants. In other words, your plants will benefit more from recycled rainwater as opposed to water from the hose. You can use this water to do a number of other water-wasting activities, such as washing your car or cleaning off the patio furniture.

9. Install A Drip Irrigation System

There are a variety of irrigation systems that can help your landscaping utilize less water on a regular basis. A drip irrigation system is one of the best options, it is quick and easy to install, and uses much less water than alternative forms of spray irrigation.

Drip irrigation systems provide a slow stream of water to the soil surface, or right near the root system of your plants. This sustainable watering method is water wise, saves you money, and produces greener, healthier vegetation that is more resistant to drought.

10. Landscape With TerraCast Products

TerraCast Products are certified green! We use sustainable manufacturing processes and 100% recyclable materials to create landscape products guaranteed to last forever. Contact us today to learn more about your options regarding greener, more cost effective landscaping.